What's happening in the Top End?


Territory Natural Resource Management Conference 2022 in Darwin, Northern Territory

The KBA team (Amanda Lilleyman, BirdLife Australia and Lou Martini, BirdLife Top End) attended the Territory Natural Resource Management Conference 2022 in Darwin, Northern Territory in November and presented a poster on the KBA program and the new Northern Territory Indigenous Grant for Bird Research and Conservation.

This conference provided a great opportunity to catch up with several ranger groups to discuss the KBA program and what sort of projects we could work on in the future.  

Key Biodiversity Areas

in the Northern Territory

There are 33 KBAs in the Northern Territory, most of which are located in the Top End. To date only a small number of the NT’s KBAs are being regularly monitored. 

BirdLife Australia has a local group called BirdLife Top End and through this group we have worked with several Indigenous Ranger groups, including the Crocodile Islands Rangers, the Larrakia Nation Land and Sea Rangers, and we are aiming to expand the guardian network in the Northern Territory.

KBAs in the Top End. Map by BirdLife Top End.

Northern Territory Indigenous Grant for Bird Research and Conservation

In 2023, Indigenous Ranger groups in the Northern Territory can apply for the Indigenous Grant for Bird Research and Conservation NT through BirdLife Australia. This grant is for $2500 to support activities that protect birds on Country.

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By Amanda Lilleyman

November 2022

Golo Maurer